and Bracha!
This week’s portion Vayeira, gives a tremendous insight into the
creeds that form our people. The portion begins with Avraham
rushing to receive and take care of three strangers in
sweltering heat while he himself was recovering from
circumcision at an advanced age. These strangers were in fact
angels, and they announced the upcoming birth of Yitzchak. There
is a reason that these strangers heralded his birth. This
teaches us that the birth of our people is rooted in self
sacrifice for Chessed and Hachnassat Orchim (helping others and
Hashem informed Avraham he was going to destroy Sedom and Amora
and the surrounding cities due to their wickedness. Immediately
Avraham prayed that they be spared. As Rashi explains, Avraham
begged and bargained with Hashem to allow at least some
survivors. His pleas bore fruit and one small city was
eventually saved. Only thereafter was Yitzchak born. This
teaches us that the very birth of our people is based in
compassion for everyone, even the very wicked. The people of
Sedom were the antithesis of everything Avraham stood for. Never
the less, Avraham prayed intensely to save them.
In the
conclusion of the portion the Torah describes the Akeidah, the
binding of Yitzchak. Hashem commanded Avraham to bring Yitzchak
to the future sight of the
in Yerushalayim as an offering. After arriving and making all
necessary preparations, when Yitzchak was already bound and on
the altar, Hashem commanded Avraham not to harm him. A ram
miraculously appeared and Avraham offered it in Yitzchak’s
stead. Our nation is rooted in total acceptance of the will of
Hashem, whether we understand His reasoning or are baffled
The Midrash
teaches that the two horns of the ram were made into two Shofars
and that each was designated for a momentous occasion. The left
horn was sounded when the Torah was given on
Mount Sinai
when Hashem gave the Torah. The right horn, which is the larger
of the two, will herald Moshiach’s coming. The previous
Lubavitcher Rebbe taught that the Shofar of Moshiach will awaken
us to return to the Torah and that the renaissance of Judaism in
our times is because the Shofar has already begun to blow.
Fortunate are those who heed Moshiach’s Shofar before his
coming. By connecting the Akeida with these events this Midrash
has a powerful lesson for all of us. The pure faith demonstrated
by the Akeidah is the guide to fulfilling the Torah which was
given on
Mount Sinai
and the path by which to bring Moshiach.
May we
speedily hear the Great Shofar and rejoice in Moshiach’s coming.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Biggs